All Posts Tagged ‘inspiration


All the looks for 4th of July

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Hello everyone!

Hope everyone is having a great summer, gotta love this time of year!

I love having the sun out, spending time with family and getting outside! You know it’s a good sign when your skin is actually starting to match your summer foundations ( ammiright?!)

And can you believe it’s already time for the 4th of July?!! This summer is going by just a little too quickly!

So just in time for the festivities mañana I thought I would share a couple outfit ideas, some new and some from last year or just outfits I’ve already worn that I think would be good too!

First off is a classic navy polka dot dress from Abercrombie and Fitch with a cute head scarf from Madewell!







A dress is always a good option because you can throw it on top of your bathing suit or just wear  it around to the family bbq.

The next outfit I wanted to do something a little different, so I went with a cute band tee with a jean skirt and sneakers.

The fun thing with an outfit like this is you can make it  pop with fun accessories, like these awesome earring that have been a fave pop of color of mine for the summer!







This shirt was from Nordstrom, which is having its huge anniversary sale soon so I’m sure there is one just like it for a good price!

Below are a couple more looks if you need more inspo, and honestly with the classic colors and some cute striped or nice jeans I feel like it’s not too hard to throw together a good Independence day outfit! Also you can see last year’s post here!




Hope you enjoyed this post and have a great 4th of July whatever you are doing!

Xoxo Tamsyn


Hello motherhood! The good, the lonely and the oh so awesome

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Being a mom is awesome! And tough, and amazing, and hilarious, and depressing, and lonely, and really great. And that’s an understatement. 

Today, as my second year celebrating Mother’s day as a mom, I decided I finally wanted to write and share a few things I’ve learned on this crazy ride called motherhood. Since I’m a veteran mother now (LOL) I thought it was time to share some of my experiences, plus I wanted to get a little real and raw, which is kind of a new thing for me.


I remember when I first found out I was pregnant with Jack I felt like I was finally becoming a member of this exclusive and powerful club I have always dreamed of being a member of, the “mom” club. I had many goals and aspirations for my life, but this was really my number one.

It was my time to have my very own child, to raise and help to be an amazing, emotionally healthy, well-adjusted, overall awesome person. I thought I had such a good idea on all the things I would need to do to be the ideal mom to raise this person, and that yes even though it was going to be hard, I was made to do it. In reality, as Ygritte said to Jon Snow, “You know nothing.”

That’s one of the craziest parts of motherhood, that really YOU KNOW NOTHING.

That’s why I wanted to share a little bit of what I’ve learned, to hopefully help all the future mother’s out there or to commiserate with all you other mom’s who’ve probably experienced and are struggling with some of the same things and to let you know it’s ok and you are not alone. So here are five things I’ve learned in the past couple years as a mom.

  1. Nothing goes according to plan

If I could emphasize one point of motherhood over and over again it would be this one. That’s because looking back, there were so many time’s when I was so hard on myself for not being able to do things how I thought I should. or how my mom did, or how my friend did when that is so pointless. Your experience as a mother will never be the same as anyone else, and that’s OK.



The day Jack was born


For me, this even goes back to the day that Jack was born and I had this idea that I was not going to get an epidural and that I was going to do this “naturally”. Whelp when those extremely painful contractions started all that flew out the window. Looking back I always felt a little guilty about it, and also felt a little guilty when it happened again with his sister. But that’s honestly ridiculous! And that’s easier to say now, but as a mom, we can sometimes make ourselves feel guilty for the smallest things.  Which brings me to my next point.

2. You will never feel more guilty in your life

Mom guilt is the WORST but it’s so hard to fight.

I remember when I came home from the hospital I was breastfeeding Jack and although he ate constantly he was not gaining weight, in fact, he was losing it. I remember going to the doctor’s office and them telling me that my milk was like skim milk so although I was producing a lot, the fat content was just too low to sustain him and I needed to supplement with formula. Later that day I came home and was feeding Jack, and I just started to cry. I felt sooooo guilty about not being able to just breastfeed and that I had to give him formula like I was denying him of something and that I was a bad mom. Which wasn’t true at all.

Then Sofia was born and the mom guilt hit me two-fold. I felt guilty when I was giving Sofia too much attention and Jack, not enough attention, and vice versa. I felt guilty about not being ready for a second baby. I felt guilty about not recovering from birth as fast as I did with Jack.



When Sofia was born


I’m sure some of you are reading this and thinking that it all sounds a little crazy, and it is, but as a mom  “mom guilt” is so real and can really cause a downward spiral like it did with me many times. But if it feels like you can’t seem to shake it off and your thoughts are getting worse and worse, you may be experiencing my next point.

3. You will probably experience baby blues or post-partum depression

Post-partum depression is so crazy because you usually don’t realize you have it until you are smack dab in the middle of it.

With Sofia, I was in so much denial about it, but it was definitely there. When she was born I remember feeling like I should be so happy, and there was a small part of me that really was, but the rest of me honestly felt like I was just in a strange dream and going through the motions without actually feeling anything.


I felt so guilty (there it is again) because I had this amazing, practically perfect little baby girl but I just wasn’t sure if I loved her. It’s still painful for me to write that even now because I now know that even then I loved her with my entire being, but that was post-partum. I would look at her and feel nothing, and sometimes I wasn’t sure if I wanted to hold her or cuddle her because I was so afraid that she would know and feel this emptiness inside of me.

And that was just one aspect of it. There can be so many ways it hits you, and it can even be delayed and it you when your baby is already three or six months old. And even with all the accounts, I read about it and all the friends and family I had who experienced it I was still in denial about it.

But why I’m writing about this, and all my other points, is that if this sounds familiar to you or you are in the middle of it right now that it’s ok and you have it and you aren’t malfunctioning and you need help and that’s ok too.

4. Please, please, PLEASE ask for help

This is one area of motherhood that I still struggle with today but I want all moms or future moms who are reading this to understand, it’s essential for your sanity as a human being to ask for help as a mom.

Whether that’s asking your husband to feed the baby at night or to take the kids out so you can have solo time, or asking a friend to watch the kids while you run errands, or asking your mom to help you cook while you spend time with the kids, whatever help you need don’t hesitate to ask.

I say this also because there are many times, even every day, where motherhood can feel so lonely. I know that’s something that I still struggle with. Most days I am stuck in the house all day with kids, and there only adult interaction is with my husband when he is in between work and school. And I know that if I just took more time to reach out and ask for help it  would probably alleviate some of those feelings.

5. Don’t compare

This is something that can be said for not only motherhood but everything else in life, but I want to especially emphasise it for all you mommas out there.

Your motherhood experience your life as a mom is not going to be like anybody else’s, so don’t try to make it like anybody else’s. I know it can be hard with Instagram and Facebook and so many moms who make everything look so easy, but just try to understand that they probably have things as moms that aren’t easy for them too.


If you are great at cooking every day for your kids but the house is a little messy, GREAT! If you do a lot of fun activities with your kids but tend to do take-out most of the time, that’s great too! There is no such thing as a perfect mom, but you can be the perfect mom for your family.

I would, and still are, so hard on myself for not cooking enough or not cleaning enough or not doing enough fun activities with Jack. But the truth is I was doing so much more than I even knew. As long as I’m giving my kids and my husband my love and my time that’s all that matters.

I really could share so much more and maybe I will in a different post, but for now, I just want to say to all you mom’s out there that you are AMAZING. Mom’s are seriously the true wonder women’s of the world and the mom’s that I’ve had the privilege of knowing, including my own mom, make me want to be the best mom I can be.

I also have to say I feel so blessed to be a mom and that raising my children has and continues to be the biggest privilege that God has bestowed upon me and I strive to be worthy of it every day. And most days it’s pretty imperfectly, but that’s perfectly ok too.

Happy Mother’s day to you all!

xoxo Tamsyn









Two for the price of one

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Hello, lovelies!

Hope you are having an excellent week, and that the sun is shining wherever you are, unlike Idaho which changes it’s mind each day which season it wants to be (Spring? Winter? Who knows?

I’ve been pulling out my spring clothes, which let’s face it is mostly dresses and I decided I wanted to do a new post series about taking an item of clothing, like this adorable floral dress from Target, and style it two ways!

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I know for most people, including myself, figuring out how to style something more than just one way can be tricky, so I just wanted to help out!

I also wanted to show that with most of the things in your closet you can use them for most occasions, and dress them up or down.

My first look was a more casual way to wear the dress, with the jean jacket and sneakers.


I think that jean jackets are a staple for spring and summer, and I have had this one from H&M for a couple of years. Luckily they aren’t too hard to find, and you can even go to your local thrift store and find one like I did in this post last year.

The second outfit can also be considered casual, but I dressed it up with these heels and earrings.

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A cargo jacket is also a good staple for all year round, and the one I’m wearing is from Old Navy.

Here are a couple similar items that you can use to re-create these outfits.


For links to items click here

I hope this post helped give you some ideas on how to style some of your spring dresses, and I can’t wait to do this post again with another piece of clothing!

If there is anything you want me to style a few different ways, make sure to tell me in the comments below, or visit my Instagram and comment there!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great week!

xoxo Tamsyn


Sharing the love all year ’round with Cleo Madison

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Hello everyone!

Back from another hiatus with something really fun with such a cute boutique!


When people think of Valentine’s Day dressing it usually involves the colors red and pink.

I thought it would be fun to showcase a not-so-typical Valentin’es Day dress option, along with some more typically colored accessories.


This dress from Cleo Madison is not only super cute, it’s honestly sooo comfy!

Something I love about this color is that it’s actually one that can be worn year round, especially when added with seasonal appropriate accessories!


For example, for the Valentine’s Day look I added this adorable pink jean jacket from Target, along with this dark floral scarf and taupe booties.


Dress: Cleo Madison Jacket: Target Scarf: Maurices Purse: ASOS Shoes: Zoo Shoo


For summer just throw it on with sandals for a cooler day, and in the Fall and Winter add a heavier coat, tights and some boots and wa-lah! You have a dress that will look good all year long!

Here are some other dresses from Cleo Madison that will also last you year round!

Year round dress
Year round dress by tamsyn-turner featuring ball jewelry

Sometimes we don’t realize so many of our clothes, especially dresses, can be used in so many different ways and can help create so many different looks at any time in any season.


Hopefully these awesome dresses from Cleo Madison along with some of these ideas can help inspire you to take a classic dress to the next level!

Hope you all have a wonderful week and keep an eye out for more blog posts soon!

Also if there is anything you would like to see on the blog or how to style something please let me know in the comments below, on my Instagram (@endowedwithfashion), or on the Endowed with Facebook page!




My Velvet Holiday + Blogger collab!

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I’m so excited to team up with a few insta friends as we share #myvelvetholiday .. instagram accounts and blogs have been linked so you can follow along and see how we style velvet this holiday in our own way! keep scrolling to get all my outfit details and be sure to give these ladies some love 🙂
Tamsyn (Endowed with Fashion) //  Tea (Our Eternal Happiness)  // Kayla (Kayla Smith) // Megan (Being Mrs. Fowler)

Here are a few more pics of my outfit specifically, and if you go to each of these bloggers websites they break down their outfits further as well!

On a side note, sorry it’s been a hot second since I posted last, my really good excuse though is adjusting to life with baby #2! I will definitely be doing a post on her birth story and figuring out life as a mamma of two, so keep an eye out for that!

IMG_8289 (1)

Blazer: Forever 21 (old) Similar here Shirt: My Sister’s Closet Boutique here Leggings: Modcloth here Shoes: Target here Earrings: Walmart (similar) here

Also who can believe it’s almost Christmas!? How did this year go by so fast?! But good news is this outfit is PERFECT for any holiday event you have because it’s both comfy, casual, but also chic!

The velvet shirt I’m wearing is AMAZING and is from a lovely place called My Sister’s Closet Boutique, and let me tell you, you need it in your life!

It’s such a great piece to dress up or down, and one that you can have for man years and use in many different ways!


These velvet leggings are also super amazing and are so comfy yet so flattering! When I was looking at them I knew I needed them but i was a little worried they might show off some of my lovely lady lumps, but that wasn’t the case at all! Modcloth did a awesome job making sure these are high quality and thick.


And last, but certainly not least, are my leopard booties from Target. They are from their new brand A New Day, and I have already worn them so many times! I thought it was a fun pop of print, plus these lovelies are velvet too!


I’m going to try to squeeze in one more post before Christmas but if it doesn’t happen I will be for sure posting in January! So I will see you in 2018! Crazy!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

xoxo Tamsyn


4th of July outfit inspo

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Hello beautiful people!

Sorry its been a hot second since I posted last, but alas, here I am!

I hope you have all been able to enjoy the sunshine and beauty that is summertime wherever you are, because I have to say summer is when I come alive again!

I love that summer is a time to go outside and play, and it also happens to be a time to celebrate two of my favorite holidays.


You may be asking yourself, “What two holidays are in summer?!” and I’m here to tell you, my birthday (of course) and the 4th of July!

My birthday happens to be the longest day of the year and the first official day of summer, so I consider that something to celebrate!

This year for my birthday, which was June 21st btw, we kept it pretty low key, but that is exactly what this exhausted, pregnant mommy needed. I celebrated with good food and good friends, and what more could a girl ask for!

But now we are already upon my second favorite summer holiday, and this one called for some fun outfit inpo!


4th of July is a very patriotic holiday, so of course red, white and blue is a must. But for me I like to put that into my outfits in a more low-key kind of way, as you will see in these outfits.

If you like to go full out star-spangles-banner please, be my guest and do so! As always, fashion is about doing you and what you love. But of you are like me and like a touch of the patriotic, I hope these outfits will give you some ideas on what to wear!


I have to add that these outfits are more geared toward the night time when you will be heading wherever to watch fireworks, because I know if most of you are like me you will probably spend most of the day in a bathing suit at a lake, river, or beach somewhere.


Dress: Maurices Shoes: Target Headscarf: Down East Lipstick: Lip Sense (Blue-red)


For this first outfit I went pretty girly, but I just had to incorporate this gorgeous white dress from Maurices into one of my outfits.

I also CAN’T do 4th of July without some red lipstick somewhere.



I find a great and subtle way to add some red, white or blue to your outfit is through some kind of accessory, like this headscarf, or through your makeup, like the lipstick I’m wearing.

For this second outfit I went a bit more casual, and also added a jacket for those of you that are going to be in places where it will get chilly at night.


Shirt: Clad and Cloth Skirt: Old Navy Shoes: Steve Madden  Sunglasses: Urban Outfitters   Jacket: h&m


This red-embroidered short is one of my favorite purchases I have made this year, and I thought it would be good to incorporate into a 4th of July look.

The great thing about a shirt like this is if you wanted to make it even more casual and easy, just throw it over your bathing suit with some jean shorts and white sneakers of sandals and bam! Cute outfit to go.



This third outfit is the most covered up an subtle, but it can also be adjusted for whatever event or activity you are going to.

Also if you wanted to add more of the red, you could switch out the navy scarf for a red one, or add some red lipstick.


Shirt: Luca and Grey Jeans: Simply Be Shoes: Poppy and Dot Scarf: Luca and Grey


My red came from the subtle red-ombre I have on my hair!

Also the shoes below are SO COMFORTABLE, I highly recommend them!


Well I hope you enjoyed these outfits and got something from it, and I hope that you all have a fun and safe 4th of July!

Tootles till next time!

xoxo Tamsyn


Pretty layers & life updates

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Hello everyone!

Sorry its been WAAAY too long since I’ve posted, but man 2017 has been crazy town banana pants!

I obviously wanted to make this post about clothing and fun pieces for spring/summer, but I also thought you all might enjoy a little life update especially after my two month hiatus.



Starting last September I was having a lot of stomach issues, and beginning in December it took a turn for the worse.

It seemed that everything I ate put me in so much pain, and I couldn’t keep anything down. With a lively little 9 month old it was hard to keep the energy up to take care of him and my poor husband was so busy with school and work that it was stressing us all out.

Finally I went to the doctors and found out I had an infected gallbladder and gall stones, but that wasn’t all. To make things even crazier, we found out I was PREGNANT!!

It was a crazy whirlwind of events but it was also nice to finally know what was wrong with me and to find out that we were going to have another baby!


Fast forward a couple months and I was able to have my gallbladder removed, and we found out we are having a baby girl!!

Also in the process my little brother got married to a good friend and former roommate of mine, and our precious little boy turned 1!

So that is what our little family has been up to lately, and I hope that helps you all understand why I had to take a break for a bit.

But I’m back again and ready as ever to share some styling ideas especially for Spring/Summer! Well more like just summer, because it’s already May, holy cow!




So here it an outfit that I wore that I think encompasses one of my favorite aspects of this time of year, pretty, light layers!

That goes for clothing as well as jewelry. This kimono is a great example of that, and I love this trend because not only can you throw it over a dress or a t-shirt and jeans, but it’s also a great and cute bathing suit cover-up!

Who doesn’t love multi-functional clothing?!



Here are some options I found in case you were looking for a pretty kimono for yourself, as well as the one I’m styling in these photos.

I also included some similar shoes and necklaces that you can layer.

Also, isn’t this purse soooo cute? It was a great ASOS find and I just love the embroidery and blush color!

pretty layers

pretty bags

pretty layers by tamsyn-turner featuring rubber sole shoes

Dress: DownEast Kimono: Lulu Bella Boutique Shoes: Target Bag: ASOS Necklaces: Lulu Bella Boutique, Forever 21, DownEast

Thank you all for reading this tiny blog and I hope it gives you some inspiration, I always have fun putting things together for this blog!

Also I’ll include some photos of events of the last couple months in case you were interested, or if you have’t already seen it on social media (follow me! @endowedwithfashion for both FB and Instagram).


Took some fun family photos (taken by the lovely @lookforthelightphotography)



Our baby boy turned 1!


Our gender reveal, can you tell I’m surprised?! lol

Till next time!

xoxo Tamsyn


A simple little Valentine

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Hello everyone, and happy February!

I am so happy its February because a) January is over, which means we are that much closer to spring, b) It’s my husband’s, who’s last name is Valentine, birthday on Valentine’s Day, and c) just Valentine’s day itself!



Even though in my single years I wasn’t always one to have a consistent valentine, my mom was ahead of her time and would do Galentine’s day before it was even a thing, and would always give my brothers and I a Valentine’s Day card and treat.

So for some this may be a tough holiday because they don’t have a significant other or believe this is a holiday made up by a card company, but I have always viewed it as a time to celebrate love, in all it’s forms.

So that can be with your best friend, brother, sister, father, mother, co-worker, whatever!




Also being the girly-girl that I am, I love pink and red and always love a chance to wear the colors, and Valentine’s day gives me a perfect opportunity to do so.

Because my husband and I live in a very small town that is currently covered in snow, our Valentine’s plans are usually pretty low key, so that’s the kind of outfits that I decided to put together.

These are outfits that are just a tad bit fancier than just plain casual, but have casual elements within them.

Also I wanted to make it easy for you guys to re-create them for yourselves, whether you are going out with your SO or just celebrating with friends.

For the first outfit I decide to go a little edgy-romantic,with this fun blush-colored moto jacket along with this really cute dark floral and lace blouse.



blush by tamsyn-turner featuring a motorcycle jacket




For this second outfit I wanted to keep it really simple, but have a standout element like this red pea coat.

The great thing about the color red is that it really pops, so by having the red jacket you can keep everything else pretty simple.




Simple doesn’t have to mean boring or plain however, and that’s why I decided to wear this beautiful high-necked blouse from Target, because it goes with everything but has gorgeous and intricate details to it.

I highly recommend adding a top like this to your wardrobe, because it’s a great versatile staple.

I provided some affordable but adorable options below!






red by tamsyn-turner featuring an ivory lace top

Well thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed this post and it gave you some good V-day inspiration.

Stay tuned for the next blog post and more fun outfit ideas.

Happy Valentine’s day everyone!

xoxo Tamsyn



Weekly roundup/Dressing for the frigid

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That’s all I have to say about making it through this week!

It was quite a doosy, and I am just glad it’s over.

Sorry about the complaining, but losing your internet for a couple days can really send your world into a tailspin.



To tell you the truth that wasn’t the main reason this week was hard, but it definitely contributed to its overall awfulness.

A little life update: My husband is back at school and work which means that amazing, hard-working man is working his patooty off and we don’t see much of him around here (sadly).

Also little baby J is starting to teeth/having a growth spurt which means this mommy hasn’t been getting a lot of sleep (if any).

Luckily at the end of the day we make it work because we just love our cute little family and my two men make me the happiest girl in the world!





Also cute clothes really help. A LOT.

Also as I have mentioned SEVERAL times I am not a huge fan of winter, let alone when it’s horribly freezing outside.

The constant dumping of snow does not give me a lot of motivation to go outside, but when I do force myself to go out there I usually instantly regret it (LOL).



But it’s a new year and a time to try to be better and try new things, so I’m trying to suck it up as much as possible.

This cold has also given me the opportunity to try to be creative when it comes to clothing, because it’s very tempting/practical to just throw on the puffiest and warmest jacket, thick pants, and some snow boots and call it done.


Jacket: Thrift store/DIY here Collar: Old Navy Sweater: Thrifted Jeans: Aeropostale Shoes: Forever 21 Hat: Lulu Bella Boutique

But it is possible to look cute even in the coldest weather, and I tried to demonstrate that with the outfits above and below.

One of the most important aspects of dressing in the cold is LOTS of layers, so as long as you follow that rule you can still rock some super cute clothing.


Jacket: Forever 21 Sweater: Old Navy Leggings: Kohls Boots: Forever 21 Hat: Target


If you haven’t noticed I was a little obsessed with my cheetah jacket, probably because it’s super warm and a nice change from my black or other plain colored jackets.

Also a fun little add-on to my jean jacket to make it winter appropriate was a removable fleece collar, which also happens to be a big trend right now.


Jacket: Forever 21 Shirt: Forever 21 Jeans: ASOS Boots: Forever 21 Choker: Wet Seal Hat and Scarf: Target


But I hope you are all surviving this winter weather, and if it’s a lot warmer where you are soak it up for us who have to endure a couple more months of snow.

Have a great week!

xoxo Tamsyn


A little NYE sparkle

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, we had so much fun in California other than the fact that I had a nasty flu. But being with my family and friends and the proximity to the beach still made me feel so much better than if I was in -5 degree weather (sorry Idaho).

Anyways, it’s crazy to think in just a couple hours 2016 will be done and we will be on to a whole new year!



I know for some NYE means staying cozy and warm and watching the ball drop from the comfort of your own home, and for others it means party time.

For me I’ve done both, but I think I prefer to ring in the new year getting my groove on at a party, dance, or some kind of large gathering.

The outfit I put together can actually be worn for both, it’s comfy enough to stay home but chic enough to be worn out and about.



The thing I also love about this outfit is that it’s super simple, just a sparkly top, faux leather leggings, cute shoes, and some fun accessories and you are ready to go!

NYE sparkle


NYE sparkle by tamsyn-turner featuring faux leather leggings




And with NYE I feel you can’t go overboard with the sequins/sparkle, so I made sure to have plenty on my eyes, face, nails, etc.



2016 was definitely a year filled with lots of really highs (my son being born) and really lows (you-know-who being elected, celebrity deaths, etc.) but I am really looking forward to the new year and what it has to bring!

One thing I am very grateful for that happened in 2016 was the return of this blog and for those of you who read and support it! I hope it has helped you to be happier, even in the smallest way possible.

See you all in 2017!

xoxo Tamsyn